Encyclopedia of Sensors
Volumes 1-10 |
6, Number 6 (December 2008) pp.
785-1100 |
Special Issue on 7th East Asian Conference on Chemical
Sensors (EACCS 2007) Guest Editor: Ooi Kiang Tan
Sensor Lett. 6, 785786 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Sensors L. Vayssieres and X. W. Sun Sensor
Lett. 6, 787791 (2008) [Abstract]
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Love Wave Sensor for the Detection of
Staphylococcal Enterotoxins B DNA in Liquid Phase
Zhixian Gao, Nan Liu, Huangying Zhou, and Jie Ren Sensor
Lett. 6, 792795 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Humidity and Temperature Effects on
Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistor-Based Gas Sensors
Ning Peng, Qing Zhang, Yi Chau Lee, Hui Huang, Ooi Kiang
Tan, Jingze Tian, and Lap Chan Sensor Lett. 6, 796799
(2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Application of Nanostructure ZnO for
Room Working Temperature Ozone Sensor Ren-Jang
Wu, Hsiao-Lan Lin, Min-Hung Chen, Tsang-Ming Wu, and Forest
Shih-Sen Chien Sensor Lett. 6, 800802 (2008)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Automotive Exhaust Gas Sensor Based on
an Electrochemical Cell Combined with a Resistive Gas Sensor
D. Biskupski, K. Wiesner, J. Kita, M. Fleischer,
and R. Moos Sensor Lett. 6, 803807 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
P-Type Semiconducting Perovskite Sensors
for Reducing Gases-Model Description K.
Sahner and R. Moos Sensor Lett. 6, 808811
(2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
On the Road to Inexpensive, sub-ppb,
Room Temperature Ozone Detectors G. Kiriakidis,
J. Kortidis, K. Moschovis, and D. Dovinos Sensor
Lett. 6, 812816 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
CO Sensing with Tin Dioxide Sensors;
Effect of Fabrication Technology and Operation Conditions as
Revealed by Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier
Transformed Spectroscopy and Conductance Measurements
D. Koziej, N. Barsan, and U. Weimar Sensor
Lett. 6, 817820 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Recent Developments in the Field of
Automotive Exhaust Gas Ammonia Sensing Ralf Moos
and Daniela Schönauer Sensor Lett. 6, 821825
(2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Synthesis of Colorimetric Sensors for
Selective Discrimination Between Maleate and Fumarate
Yu-Ping Tseng, Chia-Hung Lin, and Yao-Pin Yen Sensor
Lett. 6, 826830 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Flexible SnO2
Substrate-Based Potentiometric Thick-Film Solid-State Urea
Biosensor Nien-Hsuan Chou, Jung-Chuan Chou,
Tai-Ping Sun, and Shen-Kan Hsiung Sensor Lett. 6, 831835
(2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Investigation of the
Amperometric/Potentiometric Dual Mode Glucose Biosensor
Cheng-Wei Liao, Jung-Chuan Chou, Tai-Ping Sun, Shen-Kan
Hsiung, and Jui-Hsiang Hsieh Sensor Lett. 6, 836839
(2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Grafting of 18-Crown-6 Functionalization
on Microcantilever Biosensor for Pb2+ Poisoning
Detection Yen-I Chou, Chi-Chuan Wang, Cheng-Yen
Wu, Wei-Shun Tseng, Kai-Sheng Hsu, and Shih-Ming Lai Sensor
Lett. 6, 840843 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
The Mixed Potentials of NiO(+YSZ) and
CuO Electrodes in a Mixture Gas of NO and NO2
Jinsu Park, B. Y. Yoon, and C. O. Park Sensor
Lett. 6, 844847 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Use of CNT/Co3O4-SnO2
in a Carbon Monoxide Sensor Operating at Room Temperatures
Ren-Jang Wu, Jhih-Gan Wu, Ming-Ru Yu, Tung-Kang
Tsai, and Chuin-Tih Yeh Sensor Lett. 6, 848851
(2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Study on Formaldehyde Gas Sensing
Properties of ZnSnO3 Nanoparticles Wang
Huanxin, Xu Jiaqiang, Li Zhen, and Li Chao Sensor
Lett. 6, 852854 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Development of the Potentiometric
Lactate Biosensor Based on SnO2/ITO Glass
Electrode Zhi-Cheng Lin, Jung-Chuan Chou,
Tai-Ping Sun, and Shen-Kan Hsiung Sensor Lett. 6, 855859
(2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Fabrication of a Screen-Printing
Reference Electrode for Potentiometric Measurement
Tza-Wei Huang, Jung-Chuan Chou, Tai-Ping Sun, and Shen-Kan
Hsiung Sensor Lett. 6, 860863 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Optical pH Determination Using Porphyrin
Immobilized Polystyrene Composites Y. Itagaki,
S. Yamanaka, and Y. Sadaoka Sensor Lett. 6, 864867
(2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
On the Initial EMF Stabilization of the
Electrochemical CO2 Sensors Jun-Woong
Kim, Hyun-Seok Hong, and Chong-Ook Park Sensor Lett.
6, 868872 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Label-Free Biosensors for the Detection
and Quantification of Cardiovascular Risk Markers
Kallempudi S. Saravan, Ozgur Gul, Huveyda Basaga, Ugur
Sezerman, and Yasar Gurbuz Sensor Lett. 6, 873877
(2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
The Preparation of SnO2
Powders Using Polyol Process and Its Gas Sensing
Characteristics Ji-Hye Park and Jong-Heun Lee
Sensor Lett. 6, 878882 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Model of Transient Response of
Semiconductor Gas Sensor Akira Fujimoto, Masaki
Tomatani, and Takashi Kuwahara Sensor Lett. 6, 883886
(2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Preparation and Gas Sensor Application
of Ceramic Particles with Submicron-Size Spherical Macropores
Mayu Hashimoto, Hanako Inoue, Takeo Hyodo,
Yasuhir Shimizu, and Makoto Egashira Sensor Lett. 6,
887890 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
An Overview of the Development and
Application of Surface Plasmon Resonance Based Immunosensors
for Detection of Small Molecules N. Miura, D.
Ravi Shankaran, K. V. Gobi, T. Kawaguchi, and S. J. Kim Sensor
Lett. 6, 891902 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
The Performance of Quartz Crystal
Microbalance Coated TiO2-Porphyrin Nanocomposite
Thin Film Gas Sensors Syariena Arshad,
Muhamad Mat Salleh, and Muhammad Yahaya Sensor Lett.
6, 903907 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Chemical Analysis with Tin Oxide Gas
Sensors: Choice of Additives, Method of Operation and Analysis
of Numerical Signal K. Frank, V. Magapu, V.
Schindler, H. Kohler, H. B. Keller, and R. Seifert Sensor
Lett. 6, 908911 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Exploration of New Sensing Electrode
Materials for FET-type NOx Sensors with Fast Response
H. Inoue, M. Yuasa, T. Kida, K. Shimanoe, and N. Yamazoe
Sensor Lett. 6, 912915 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Structural Control of Macroporous Noble
Metals as Glucose Sensing Electrode Materials Eri
Yoshida, Takeo Hyodo, Yasuhiro Shimizu, and Makoto Egashira
Sensor Lett. 6, 916919 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Fabrication and Stability Analysis for
the Sodium Ion Sensor Jung-Chuan Chou and
Ya-Ping Huang Sensor Lett. 6, 920923 (2008)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
An Equivalent Circuit Model for
Simulating the Separative Extended Gate Field Effect
Transistor Jung-Chuan Chou and Jyun-Ming Chen
Sensor Lett. 6, 924928 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Sensing Properties and Stability
Analysis of Miniaturized Dual-Mode Uric Acid Biosensor Based
on TiO2 Extended Gate Field Effect Transistor
Jung-Chuan Chou and Chih-Yu Lin Sensor
Lett. 6, 929932 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Gas Sensing Characteristics of
Nano-Structured Metal Oxides Zilong Tang,
Yingmin Ji, Yuxing Xu, Rui Xu, Zhongtai Zhang, and Zhigang
Zhou Sensor Lett. 6, 933937 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Large-Scale Hydrothermal Synthesis of
Tungsten Trioxide Nanowires and Their Gas Sensing Properties
Yuxing Xu, Zilong Tang, Zhongtai Zhang, Yingmin
Ji, and Zhigang Zhou Sensor Lett. 6, 938941
(2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Fabrication of Integrated Dual Type
Sensor to Detect Harmful Exhaust Gas and Offensive Odor for
Automotive Application Wan-Young Chung Sensor
Lett. 6, 942946 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Camphor Sulfonic Acid Doped
Polyaniline/Diamond Nanofibers Based ZnO/64° YX LiNbO3
Surface Acoustic Wave H2 Gas Sensor
R. Arsat, J. Tan, A. Z. Sadek, K. Shin, D. S. Ahn, C. S.
Yoon, K. Kalantar-Zadeh, and W. Wlodarski Sensor
Lett. 6, 947950 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Development of a Fiber-Optic Oxygen
Sensor for Long-Term Corrosion Monitoring of Radioactive-Waste
Repository Yuki Nakamura, Daisuke Ito, Takashi
Yokoyama, Shinji Okazaki, Hidemoto Nakagawa, and Takashi Arai
Sensor Lett. 6, 951955 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Deposition of Tin Oxide Nanofibers on a
Microhotplate by a Controlled Electrospinning Yang
Zhang, Jianping Li, Xiuli He, Xiaoguang Gao, and Jian Jia Sensor
Lett. 6, 956960 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Single Cell Isolation on a Centrifugal
Flow Disk with Integrated Tandem Microchambers Shunsuke
Furutani, Hidenori Nagai, and Izumi Kubo Sensor Lett.
6, 961965 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Electrochemical Analysis of Pesticides
by Nano Zirconia Modified Film Electrode Min
Wang, Zhuyun Li, and Yudong Gao Sensor Lett. 6, 966969
(2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
A Micro Electro Mechanical System
Surface Ionization Source for Ion Mobility Spectrometer
X. L. He, H. Y. Guo, J. P. Li, J. Jia, and X. G. Gao Sensor
Lett. 6, 970973 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Personal Mobile Healthcare Diagnosis
System with Auto Switching of IEEE802.15.4 Network and CDMA
Network Chiew-Lian Yau, Risto Myllyla, and
Wan-Young Chung Sensor Lett. 6, 974978 (2008)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Preparation of NASICON Using SolGel
Method and Reactivity with Alkali Carbonate for Potentiometric
CO2 Gas Sensor Hiromichi Aono, Kengo
Nishimura, Naoko Yamamoto, Yoshiteru Itagaki, and Yoshihiko
Sadaoka Sensor Lett. 6, 979982 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Material Analysis of Ruthenium-Doped
Titanium Dioxide Sensing Film and Applied as Calcium Ion
Sensor Jung-Chuan Chou and Cheng-Wei Chen Sensor
Lett. 6, 983986 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Sensor Performance of Oxygen Sensor with
Pt/8YSZ/Pt Structures and Its Application to VOCs Detection
Masami Mori, Hiroyuki Nishimura, and Yoshihiko
Sadaoka Sensor Lett. 6, 987991 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Numerical Simulations and Controllable
Stoichiometry on Cadmium Telluride Compound by Electrochemical
Deposition Herng-Yih Ueng, Shu-Ying Yang, and
Jung-Chuan Chou Sensor Lett. 6, 992995 (2008)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Odor Recorder Using Mass Spectrometry
Takamichi Nakamoto Sensor Lett. 6, 9961000
(2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Comparison of Carbon and Platinum
Performance as TiO2 Membrane Substrate Material
and Applied to Glucose Biosensor Using Amperometric
Readout Circuit Hsiang-Ching Lee, Jyh-Ling Lin,
Yuan-Lung Chin, and Tai-Ping Sun Sensor Lett. 6, 10011004
(2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Preparation and Characterization of
Glucose Biosensors Using Self-Assembled Monolayers of Alkanethiols
Wen-Lung Lee and Shih-Ming Lai Sensor
Lett. 6, 10051009 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Detection and Combination of Acid-Base
Solution and UV Light Using a TiO2 Sensor
Shih-Hua Hsiao, Jyh-Ling Lin, Yuan-Lung Chin, and Tai-Ping
Sun Sensor Lett. 6, 10101013 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
A Micro-Electromechanical System Based
Hydrogen Gas Sensor E. B. Lee, C. H. Yeo, K.
Shin, K. J. Lee, H. J. Lee, W. B. Lee, and B. K. Ju Sensor
Lett. 6, 10141018 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
An Initial Physics-Based Model for the
Impedance Spectrum of a Hydrocarbon Sensor with a Zeolite/Cr2O3
Interface A. Fischerauer, A. Gollwitzer, F.
Thalmayr, G. Hagen, R. Moos, and G. Fischerauer Sensor
Lett. 6, 10191022 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Effect of the Deposition Condition for
Carbon Nanotube Thin Films on Gas Sensing Performance
S. Chaisitsak and A. Tuantranont Sensor Lett. 6,
10231027 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Synthesis and Structure of
Nanocrystalline Rare Earth-Doped SnO2
G. Xu, S. M. Xu, J. Ren, and R. A. Chi Sensor
Lett. 6, 10281032 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
A Novel Solvothermal Synthesis of
High-Surface-Area SnO2 Nanocrystals J.
Ren, G. Xu, S. M. Xu, and R. A. Chi Sensor Lett. 6,
10331036 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
The VOCs Sensitivity of Nano-Rod
Polyaniline Sensor by Interfacial Polymerization Method
Joon-Boo Yu, Young-Hee Cho, Jae-Ha Lee, Rocky Park,
Jeong-Ok Lim, Hyung-Gi Byun, and Jeung-Soo Huh Sensor
Lett. 6, 10371040 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Acidic and Basic Sites in Iron Modified
Nano-TiO2 for Gas Sensors C.
Fabrega, T. Andreu, and J. R. Morante Sensor Lett. 6,
10411044 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Construction and Test of a Multisensor
Device Including a High-Sensitivity NO2 Sensing Module
Jaume Folch, Xavier G. Capdevila, Mercé Segarra,
and Joan Ramon Morante Sensor Lett. 6, 10451048
(2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Sensing Behavior of TiO2
Thin Film Prepared by r.f. Reactive Sputtering H.
Y. Lee and S. A. Akbar Sensor Lett. 6, 10491053
(2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Triaxial MEMS Accelerometer for Activity
Monitoring of Elderly Person Amit Purwar,
Young-Dong Lee, and Wan-Young Chung Sensor Lett. 6,
10541058 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Oxidised Carbon Nanofibers as Platinum
Support for Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cells
R. Moliner, M. J. Lázaro, L. Calvillo, D. Sebastián,
Y. Echegoyen, E. García-Bordejé, J. R. C.
Salgado, E. Pastor, P. L. Cabot, and I. Esparbé
Sensor Lett. 6, 10591067 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Table of Contents to Volume 6, Number 16,
2008 Sensor Lett. 6, 10691077 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Author Index to Volume 4, Number 16,
2008 Sensor Lett. 6, 10781093 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Subject Index to Volume 4, Number 16,
2008 Sensor Lett. 6, 10941100 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Article] |
6, Number 5 (October 2008) pp.
663-783 |
REVIEW Polymer
Based Urea Biosensors: A Brief Overview Tarushee
Ahuja, Devendra Kumar, and Rajesh Sensor Lett. 6, 663674
(2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Carbon Nanotube Multilayer Resistors and Nanotube/Nanoparticle
Thin-Film Transistors as pH Sensors Wei Xue
and Tianhong Cui Sensor Lett. 6, 675681 (2008)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Electrochemical Synthesis of
Poly(1,2-diaminobenzene) Microstructures: A New Material for
Biosensing Applications A. Curulli Sensor
Lett. 6, 682689 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Sensor for Object Detection in Railway
Environment J. F. Vázquez González,
J. L. Lázaro Galilea, M. Mazo Quintas, and C. A. Luna Vázquez
Sensor Lett. 6, 690698 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Hydrogen Gas Sensors Using Anodically
Prepared and Surface Modified Nanoporous ZnO Thin Films
P. K. Basu, S. K. Jana, M. K. Mitra, H. Saha, and S. Basu
Sensor Lett. 6, 699704 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Imaging of Plasmid DNA Microarrays by
Scattering Light Under Surface Plasmon Resonance Conditions
Savchenko Andrey, Kashuba Elena, Kashuba
Vladimir, and Snopok Boris Sensor Lett. 6, 705713
(2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
LPG Sensing of Nanostructured Zinc Oxide
and Zincniobate B. C. Yadav, Richa Srivastava,
Anuradha Yadav, and Vachaspati Srivastava Sensor
Lett. 6, 714718 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Microwave Based Ammonia Detection with
Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotube Arrays Mark
McGrath and Anh-Vu H. Pham Sensor Lett. 6, 719722
(2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
A Cellular Learning Automata Based
Clustering Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks
M. Esnaashari and M. R. Meybodi Sensor Lett. 6,
723735 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Ethanol Sensing Properties of SmFe0.9Mg0.1O3
Perovskite Oxides Xing Liu, Jifan Hu, Hongwei
Qin, and Bin Cheng Sensor Lett. 6, 736740
(2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Colossal Magnetoresistive Manganite
Based Fast Bolometric X-ray Sensors for Total Energy
Measurements of Free Electron Lasers G. J. Yong,
Rajeswari M. Kolagani, S. Adhikari, R. M. Mundle, D. W. Cox,
A. L. Davidson III, Y. Liang, O. B. Drury, S. P.
Hau-Riege, C. Gardner, E. Ables, R. M. Bionta, and S.
Friedrich Sensor Lett. 6, 741745 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Porous Silicon Based Moisture Detector
in the ppmV Range T. Islam, S. S. Islam, and H.
Saha Sensor Lett. 6, 746751 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Optical Tomography System: Digital
Sensors for Masking Purpose in Parallel Beam Optical
Tomography System Ruzairi Abdul Rahim, Chiam Kok
Thiam, Mohd. Hafiz Fazalul Rahiman, Jaysuman Pusppanathan,
and Yvette Shaan-Li Susiapan Sensor Lett. 6, 752758
(2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Construction of Nickel (II) PVC Membrane
Electrochemical Sensor Based on 5-Methoxy-5,6-Diphenyl-4,5
Dihydro-3(2H)-Pyridazinethione as a Novel Ionophore
Hassan Ali Zamani, Mahboubeh Masrournia, Mojgan
Rostame-Faroge, Mohammad Reza Ganjali, and Hossein
Behmadi Sensor Lett. 6, 759764 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Application of Taste Sensor Array to
Sports Drinks by Using Impedance Measurement Technology
Ren-Jang Wu, Cheng-Hsiu Yeh, Ming-Ru Yu, and Hung-Wei Chen
Sensor Lett. 6, 765770 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Monitoring the Hydraulic Conditions in
Automotive Injection Systems Using Robust Flow Sensors
U. Schmid and G. Krótz Sensor Lett. 6, 771777
(2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Voltage Capillary Electrophoresis Using High Conductivity
Agarose Nano-Platinum Composites Shantanu
Bhattacharya, Deb Gangopadhyay, Nripen Chanda, Sheila A.
Grant, Yishao Liu, Paul R. Sharp, Rashid Bashir, Keshab
Gangopadhyay, and Shubhra Gangopadhyay Sensor Lett.
6, 778783 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Article] |
6, Number 4 (August 2008) pp. 463-661 |
Peer-Reviewed Articles from the Symposium Functional
Organic and Inorganic Materials for Micro and Nano
Bio-Sensing Systems of the EMRS Spring Meeting 2007.
Guest Editors: N. Cioffi, E. Comini, M.
Eickhoff, and L. Torsi Sensor Lett. 6, 463464
(2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Spectrogram Representation for Mechanomyogram Signal Analysis
S. Mekaoui, A. Houacine, and T. Gharbi Sensor
Lett. 6, 465476 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
The Use of PE/PVDF Pressure and
Temperature Sensors in Smart Wireless Sensor Network System
Developed for Environmental Monitoring Essa
Jafer and Khalil Arshak Sensor Lett. 6, 477489
(2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Host Guest Interactions in
Organofluorine Complexes Investigated Through Laser
Methodologies A. Giardini, F. Rondino, A.
Paladini, M. Satta, G. Cattenacci, S. Piccirillo, P. Villani,
E. Marcantoni, G. Renzi, G. Roselli, and M. Speranza Sensor
Lett. 6, 490495 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
The Electron Beam Plasma TreatmentThe
Novel Approach to the Controllable Modification of the Proteins
and Polysaccharides Bioactivity T. M. Vasilieva,
A. H. Mahir, and M. N. Vasiliev Sensor Lett. 6, 496501
(2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Fabrication of Benzylamine-Terminated
Surfaces onto Glass Substrates for Detection of Catecholamines
by Fluorogenic Derivatization Nobuko Fukuda,
Kazuma Tsuboi, and Hirobumi Ushijima Sensor Lett. 6,
502506 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Screen-Printed Tin-Doped Indium Oxide
Films for Low Temperature and Fast Response Methanol Gas
Sensing H. Mbarek, M. Saadoun, and B. Bessaïs
Sensor Lett. 6, 507510 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Biotin-Bioconjugated Water-Soluble CdS
Nanoparticles S. Al terary, C. Mangeney, R.
Brayner, T. Antoun, F. Fiévet, and A. Yassar Sensor
Lett. 6, 511517 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
A Bio-Sensor for Human Neutrophil
Elastase Employs Peptide-p-Nitroanilide Cellulose Conjugates
J. Vincent Edwards, Sony Caston-Pierre, Phyllis
Howley, Brian Condon, and Judy Arnold Sensor Lett. 6,
518523 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Proton-Induced Multiple Changes of the
Absorption and Fluorescence Spectra of Amino-Aza-Oligo(phenylenevinylene)s
Volker Schmitt, Stefan Glang, Jasmin Preis, and
Heiner Detert Sensor Lett. 6, 524530 (2008)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Electrical Characterization of
Biological Molecules Deposition in MOS Capacitors
S. Libertino, M. Fichera, V. Aiello, S. Lombardo, A.
Scandurra, M. Renis, and F. Sinatra Sensor Lett. 6,
531536 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Innovative Chromatographic System Based
on Amorphous Silicon Sensors D. Caputo, G. de
Cesare, C. Manetti, A. Nascetti, and R. Scipinotti Sensor
Lett. 6, 537541 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Two-Color Sensor for Biomolecule
Detection D. Caputo, G. de Cesare, A. Nascetti,
and R. Scipinotti Sensor Lett. 6, 542547 (2008)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Polyaniline Composites for Chemical
Sensors and Release Devices Myriam Bouhadid,
Caroline Thévenot, Francis Ehrenfeld, Nathalie Redon,
Jacques Desbriéres, Bruno Grassl, and Stéphanie
Reynaud Sensor Lett. 6, 548557 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
ZnO Thin Films for Cantilever Coatings:
Structural and Mechanical Properties, Observations of
Photoplastic Effect P. Horvath, S. B. Sadale, M.
Suchea, S. Christoulakis, R. Voicu, C. Tibeica, I. Bineva, R.
Muller, T. Kitsopoulos, and G. Kiriakidis Sensor
Lett. 6, 558563 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Simultaneous Reflectivity, Ellipsometry
and Spectrometry Measurements in Submicron Structures for
Liquid Sensing M. Holgado, R. Casquel, C.
Molpeceres, M. Morales, and J. L. Ocaña Sensor
Lett. 6, 564569 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Electrochemical Detection of DNA
Sequences Based on Metalloporphyrins-Polypyrrole Towards
a Multi-Detection Analysis F. Canonne, M. Perrée-Fauvet,
J. P. Mahy, and H. Korri-Youssoufi Sensor Lett. 6,
570576 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Au Nanoparticles as Gate Material for NOx
Field Effect Capacitive Sensors E. Ieva, K.
Buchholt, L. Colaianni, N. Cioffi, L. Sabbatini, G. C.
Capitani, A. Lloyd Spetz, P. O. Kall, and L. Torsi Sensor
Lett. 6, 577584 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Microfluidics Silicon Structure for
Electrophoresis Separation of DNA Fragments Monica
Simion, Irina Kleps, Flore Craciunoiu, Lorand Savu, Mihaela
Miu, and Adina Bragaru Sensor Lett. 6, 585589
(2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Tungsten Oxide Nanowires-Based Ammonia
Gas Sensors G. Neri, G. Micali, A. Bonavita, S.
Ipsale, G. Rizzo, M. Niederberger, and N. Pinna Sensor
Lett. 6, 590595 (2008) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Light Emission Properties of SnO2
Nanowires for Applications in Gas Sensing S.
Lettieri, A. Setaro, A. Bismuto, P. Maddalena, C. Baratto, E.
Comini, S. Todros, and G. Sberveglieri Sensor Lett.
6, 596600 (2008) [Abstract]
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in Cultured Networks A. Reiher, A. D. de Lima,
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Bonaventura, G. Bruno, C. Yi, and A. S. Brown Sensor
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T. Ueda, and T. Ikegami Sensor Lett. 6, 635640
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and P. G. Zambonin Sensor Lett. 6, 654661
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Article] |
6, Number 3 (June 2008) pp. 359-461 |
Wireless Magnetoelastic Biosensor for the Selective Detection
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Feng, Somnath C. Roy, Gopal K. Mor, and Craig A. Grimes Sensor
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The Equation of Motion, Impedance, and
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Aflatoxin Assay Using an Amperometric
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Article] |
6, Number 2 (April 2008) pp. 253-357 |
Sensing Using Competitive Binding Assay Co-Encapsulated in
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Wu, and Qiang Chen Sensor Lett. 6, 347351
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Lee and Wan-Young Chung Sensor Lett. 6, 352357
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Article] |
6, Number 1 (February 2008) pp. 1-252 |
Mechanical and MultiPhysics Simulation and Experiments in
Microelectronics and Microsystems (EUROSIME'2006)
S. Marco and S. Mariani Sensor Lett. 6, (iii)
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Greiner, and J. G. Korvink Sensor Lett. 6, 18
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Shigeru Tomita, Katsuhiko Sato, and Jun-Ichi Anzai Sensor
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Article] |
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